Syeck Joseph (Toanta Salamaka), Petta Lasinrang (Petta Lolo), Whitewater Palakka (Petta to malampe gemmena), KH. Aaron, Pettabarang, Imam Lapeo, Dt. Sangkala
Syech Joseph (toanta Salamaka) A religion of Islam from the ground Spreader mecca to Banten, Petta Lasinrang A King of the Land Pinrang nan wise wise there and aggressively spread the religion of Islam. He above all brave, Whitewater Palakka A King Bone bone that can liberate people from oppression by the kingdom of Gowa and he dubbed the Liberator, KH. Aaron: the information I can, he comes from the Kingdom of Tallo, Petta Petta To risappae Goods or perhaps he mallajang watchman on his horse and his horse up to now still there. he is a descendant of the king's strong Barru religion, Imam Lapeo: a priest in the village lapeo simple and spread the religion of Islam until the ground bugis. often show mukzisat of the Authority, Dt. Sangkala: info is not clear>>> maybe I can put it dibantuMohon Supplement and courtesies know there is something wrong Hopefully Helpful
them into seven trustee who is believed by the Society sulwesi south. In addition there are several more guardians in Indonesia that is believed by the people songo Guardian, and Guardian Pitu who is in Bali. Mayor pitu in bali also I just heard the information I can on the internet. Keep anyone guardian pitu in bali? Raden Raden Mas Sepuh Amangkuningrat in Badung, Chabib Maulana Yusuf Omar Bin Al Maghreb in Tabanan, Chabib abu Bakr Bin Ali Bin Abu Bakar Umar Bin Al Cheng Loke Sing in Klungkung, Chabib Zaebal Abidin Ali al-Idrus in Karangasem, Syech Maulana Yusuf Al Maghreb Al Baghdi in Karangasem, The Kwan Lie in Buleleng, and Chabib Omar Bin Ali Bin Abu Bakar Bafaqih in Jembrana.
Sheikh Yusuf
Sheikh Yusuf Makasar defenders and penjunjung truth - Syahdan, the State Tallo, on July 13, 1626 M or coinciding 8 Shawwal 1036 H, emerged from the sky a bright light shining on the land until the State of Gowa. Then, stirred the people of Gowa saw the light. They were off to Tallo told and find out the remarkable phenomenon seen in Gowa. But people Tallo not know anything. All they knew, in his country had been born a boy named Joseph. Tertoreh story in Lontara Riwayakna Tuanta Salamaka ri Gowa (RTSG) it describes the birth of a great scholar who is also renowned as a mystic and warrior named Ash-Shaykh al-Haj Yusuf Abu al-Mahasin Hidayatullah Khalwati Taj al-Shaykh al-Makasari or Joseph. Sheikh Yusuf, according to Abu Hamid Sheikh Yusuf in his book: A cleric, Sufi and fighters were born in a complex society and full of dynamics. At that time, war was raging between the kingdoms in South Sulawesi and there is competition against the Dutch Company which has been busy fighting over trade routes. Religious atmosphere also is in transition, so that the old beliefs and Islam still mix-ups.
The origins of the great scholars was not can be ascertained the truth, because it comes from stories and legends. According lontarak RTSG version Gowa, mother named Aminah Sheikh Yusuf Gallarang Moncongloe daughter and her father an old man who does not know the origin of his arrival. The old man known as the saint who is said to have many sacred. Buya Hamka in his book History Volume IV meyebutkan Muslims Sheikh Yusuf's father named Abdullah.
After 40 days of the birth of Joseph, Amina dipersunting Gowa King after her husband divorced. Joseph and his mother were moved to the palace. Nabilah Lubis in his book, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Taj Al-Makari: Unlocking All Secret Essence says, `'Joseph was not a nobleman. He was appointed by Sultan Alaudin and raised in the Sultan's palace, but never got knighted.''
Joseph grew up in Islamic life. After mengkhatamkan Koran from his teacher Daeng ri Tasammang, he studied Sharaf, nahwu, logic and various books of Syed Ba 'Alwy bin Abdullah al-Allamah Thahir in Bontoala. In a short time, young Joseph has mastered and finished studying the books of fiqh and monotheism.
Since childhood, the science of mysticism so membetot attention. The majority of his attention devoted to the science that would take him as a great teacher. Deemed to have been capable, at the age of 15 years Joseph advised to study in another country. Young Joseph also studied at the Sheikh Jalal al-Aidit else in Cikoang, south of South Sulawesi.
Her curiosity was so great about Islamic sciences mengantrakannya abroad. Right on September 22, 1644, when the Sultan of Gowa Kingdom led Malikussaid, at the age of 18, he left his homeland toward Mecca Malay boat from Somba Opu.
Eight days across the sea, Joseph and then stop in Banten. In the land of the warlords, the outgoing young Joseph acquainted with the ulama, religious scholars and officials. Joseph friendly with Pengeran Surya, crown prince Sultan Mahmud Abdul Kadir Abdul Mufahir. Later, Prince Surya becomes, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.
He was so interested in the Sheikh Nuruddin ar-Raniri, a famous scholar who lives in Aceh. Sheikh Yusuf Sheikh Nur al-Din met and studied to get a diploma Qadiriyah orders. `'Tarket Qadiriyah I have received from our Sheikh pious, wise sempurnadan unify the Islamic sciences with the science of nature, our princes Hasanji Sheikh Nur al-Din ibn Muhammad Hamid al-Quraisyi ar-Raniri,''he said in the treatise Safinat an-Naja.
Five years is Joseph wandering in Banten and Aceh. Middle East, is now the next goal. Starting from the Port of Banten, Sheikh Yusuf finally reached the Middle East. Yemen was the first country he visited. He studied at the Sheikh Sayed Abi Abdullah Muhammad bin Sheikh Abdul Baqi al-Kabir al-Yamani Mazjaji Zaidi al-Naqshbandi Naqshbandi tarket to get a diploma.
In the same country, Sheikh Yusuf al-tariqa received diplomas Baalawiyah of Sheikh Maulana Sayed Ali. After the pilgrimage in Mecca, he then met Sheikh Ibrahim al-Hasan ibn Syihabuddin Kurdish al-Kaurani in Medina to get a diploma Syattariyah orders. Four diploma that has been digengamnya still not considered sufficient. He also visited the Sheikh of Abu Ayyub al-Barakat ibn Ahmad ibn Ayyub al-Khalwati al-Quraisyi. Order diploma clutched Khawatiyah went back and got a degree Tajul Khalwati Hadiyatullah.
At the age of 38 years, Sheikh Yusuf finally returned to Gowa and has become a great teacher. According to sources Lontara, when he got back home was so disappointed Sheikh Yusuf, Gowa has changed. Nabilah Lubis in his book cites historical sources that are half the tales told at the time of Islamic law seems to have been ruled out, immoral and kemungkaran rampant.
Having failed to convince the Sultan to carry back the Islamic Sharia, Sheikh Yusuf left the Gowa to Banten. In 1664, Banten has changed. Her best friend, has become the title of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. He is now didaulat as sheikh scholars of Sufism and tariqa. In an instant, his name is already famous, because the grandeur of its science.
As a Sufi, Shaykh Yusuf is also known to have an attractive personality. He was entrusted with the education of children in the area of the Sultan of Islam and open the study to the population. A number of works on Sufism written in Banten.
Banten was changed when Prince Gustavo - Banten crown prince who later oust the Sultan Haji - arrived from Mecca. Dutch Company began inciting Gustavo Prince to rebel at his father. March 1682, fighting between the Dutch Company that supports and Sultan Haji Sultan Ageng erupted. Sheikh Yusuf and Prince Sultan Ageng and several main shoulder to shoulder against the Company.
A year later, Sultan Ageng VOC arrested after her son cheated. The struggle has not been exhausted. Sheikh Yusuf led 5000 troops, including 1,000 people from Makassar along several main Prince waging guerrilla warfare. Guerrilla forces led to the Reef near Tasikmalaya. In 1683, Sheikh Yusuf was arrested in Sukapura Netherlands.
Initially, he was detained in Cirebon and Batavia (Jakarta). His influence was so great that the Dutch are considered harmful to the Company. He and his family then exiled to Sri Lanka, in September 1684. In the new place, Sheikh Yusuf start a new struggle, spread the religion of Islam.
In Sri Lanka, he met with the scholars from various Islamic countries. One of them is Sheikh Ibrahim Ibn Mi'an, great scholars of India. He also asked Sheikh Yusuf to write a book on Sufism, titled Kayfiyyat Al-Tasawwuf.
Sheikh Yusuf was free to meet with relatives and students in the country Sri Lanka. News from and for his family, he received and to convey through pilgrims stop in Sri Lanka. To go that way, his teachings to the students. Dutch returned fire beard and considers Sheikh Yusuf was becoming a threat. His influence was so great, despite being away from the birthplace.
In order to keep the influence of Sheikh Yusuf in the land of water, throw it into the South African Dutch. Month of July 1693 was the first time for Sheikh Yusuf and 49 followers set foot in South Africa. They reached the Cape of Good Hope with the ship De Voetboog Zandvliet and placed in the area later known as Madagascar.
Great Ulama with Six Graveyard
Being in the land of exiles was Sheikh Yusuf meyurutkan passion for preaching. Moreover, the time of Islam in South Africa (South Africa) are being developed. Is the Imam Abdullah ibn Kadi Abdus Salaam or better known by the nickname Master Teacher who was born in Tidore pioneer the spread of Islam in the country.
In a short time, Shaykh Yusuf had been gathering many followers. Initially, he established the teaching of religion for the followers. Later, Islamic syiar being voiced to the exiles who were exiled to the Kaap. They then united to form the Muslim community. Until now, in Cape Town there are 600 thousand citizens who converted to Islam.
Although Sheikh Yusuf died on May 23, 1699 at the age of 73 years, the influence of Sheikh Yusuf in South Africa is still very large. Former South African President, Nelson Mandela called Sheikh Yusuf as 'one of his best sons of Africa'. In fact, South African President, Thabo Mbeki planned to confer the title of national hero for Sheikh Yusuf. The Indonesian government has set it as a National Hero in 1995.
In order to commemorate the Guru, the building where he lived in South Africa's former building used as a warning that is named 'karamat Shaykh Yusuf'. Although Sheikh Yusuf was buried in South Africa, until now warning that the building is still visited by South African citizens who admire and respect Mr. Guru.
Sheikh Yusuf buried corpse was taken to the Netherlands after being asked Gowa by Sultan Abdul Jalil. April 1705, arrived in Gowa kerandanya for later buried in Lakiung next day. `'Tomb of Sheikh Yusuf who was actually in Lakiung, South Sulawesi,''said the historian, Prof. Anhar howl, told Republika, during a pilgrimage to the tomb of Sheikh Yusuf some time ago.
His influence is so great, making people in the region has ever visited a large cleric Sheikh Yusuf believes it buried in their places. Besides in Makassar, funeral Sheikh Yusuf also believed to be in Banten; Pelambang, South Sumatra, Sri Lanka and in Talango, Madura. The tombs were, until now still visited by pilgrims. Although passed away four centuries ago, fame and grandeur morals and science until Sheikh Yusuf is still remembered.
Sheikh Yusuf congregations Khalwatiyah
Various orders have been controlled by Sheikh Yusuf long studied in the Middle East. According to Martin Van Bruinessen, after returning to the archipelago, Sheikh Yusuf actually teach Khalwatiyah orders, not orders Qadariyah. Congregation learned of Sheikh Abu al-Barakat Ayyub bin Ahmad bin Ayyub al-Khalwati al-Quraisyi in Damascus.
From the teacher, Shaykh Yusuf received his Tajul Khalwati Hadiyatullah. Khalwatiyah congregations actually taken from the word 'seclusion', which means to be alone to contemplate. That said, the name was due to frequently Sheikh Muhammad Al-Khalwati, founder of the Order Khalwatiyah, khalwat in quiet areas.
Khalwatiyah congregation is a branch of the Order Az-Zahidiyah, a branch of Al-Abhariyah, and branches of the As-Suhrawardiyah, founded by Sheikh Syihabuddin Abi Hafs Umar al-Suhrawardi al-Baghdadi (539-632 H). Khalwatiyah congregations grow widely in Egypt. He was taken by Mustafa al-Bakri (full Kamaluddin bin Ali bin Mustafa al-Bakri al-Siddiqi), a Sufi poet from Damascus, Syria.
In Indonesia, the Order spread Khalwatiyah Sheikh Yusuf. Spread Order Khalwatiyah Joseph in South becoming known since the role played by Sheikh Abdul Fathi Abd al-Bashir al-Khalwati dhahir commonly called Pour Rappang I Wodi. Pour Rappang studied congregation of Sheikh Yusuf, since in Makkah and offerings.
Sheikh Yusuf confer diplomas and appointed him as Caliph to spread the tariqa Khalwatiyah in South Sulawesi. Initially, deployment orders Khalwatiyah Joseph took place in society, and gradually accepted also the people most.
Team orders were then scattered in various neighborhoods and collectively they perform worship of remembrance khaafi (little voice) in homes and places of worship. In Order Khalwatiyah known the existence of a practice called al-Asma 'As-sab'ah (seven names), seven kinds of dhikr or seven levels of soul. Until now, the orders of Joseph Khalwatiyah it still exists in South Sulawesi.
Around the year 1856, the royal family and royal princes Sawitto, covered with happy atmosphere of the birth of the son of La La Tamma Sinrang. Then known as the Lolo La Sinrang Petta. Son La Tamma Addatuang this Sawitto, born in Dolangeng a small town located approximately 17 km south of the town Pinrang. Because his mother was I Raima (Descendants of ordinary people) came from Dolangeng. Since the birth of La Sinrang did have the privilege where her chest covered with reeds with a direction opposite the upward direction upwards (fur sussang). In the course of his life, La Sinrang lot of guidance and education from his uncle (brother I Raima), namely those who have influence and be respected well known as experts think the kingdom. Thus, La Sinrang become a young man who is authoritative and honest. This is a cirri that this sawitto Addatuang son, is a candidate for leader of the small baik.Diwaktu La Sinrang delight in language games or the people like bugis mallogo, maggasing, massaung and others. However, the main craze that continues to climb adult age is "Massaung". Chicken fight. From this penchant, La Sinrang always use the "Manu" Bakka "(chicken in white fur mottled red circular chest padabagian backward), chicken of this type rarely possessed person.
Penchant for risking chicken with "manu Bakka" spread out area, so La Sinrang known by the nickname "Bakka Lolona Sawitto" also can mean "brave young man from Sawitto. This increasingly popular nickname La Sinrang while holding the resistance against the Dutch.
Also penchant La Sinrang in adolescence / adulthood is a game of "Pajjoge" ie dances Bone of origin, so that when Pajjoge from Pammana (Wajo) held a show at the La Sinrang Sawitto increasingly interested in the Permian.
La sinrang to Pammana, where after living in Pammana he demonstrated the movements that draw crowds, especially Datu Pammana own. Datu Pammana La Gabambong (La Tanrisampe) also doubles Pilla Wajo interested to inquire the origin of their offspring.
He was educated and received Sinrang Datu Pammana be brave, especially in face of war. After that, La Sinrang return to their homes that is Sawitto, then La Sinrang had two sons namely La Koro and La Mappanganro darihasil Jamarro marriage with Indo and Indo Intang.
Arriving in the kingdom to whom Sawitto Suppa, Alitta, binanga Karaeng, Ruba'E, Madallo, Cempa, JampuE, etc. The small kingdom around Sawitto to fight, and if the kingdom is not willing, it means that the kingdom was under the rule of Sawitto. Thus, in a short time terkenallah La Sinrang throughout the corners, good courage, kewibaan, as well as his leadership
La Sinrang while he was in Sawitto getting naughty, finally exiled to the Bone, a new year at the Bone, was forced to step aside to Wajo for murdering one of his official palace in the Pakkalawing Epu'na Arungpone Bone.
During the Wajo he got educated from Son La Jalanti Matawo Whitewater Whitewater Wajo namely La Koro Padali who holds Batara Wajo. He was appointed commander of Army Janlanti Wajo in Tempe with the rank of General.
After the Dutch attack against the kingdom sawitto more intense, then La Sinrang called home by his father, and was appointed commander of the war. In his leadership as warlords Sawitto work, the weapons used were spears and keris. Spear great shape resembles a paddle given the name "La Salaga 'is kerisnya given the name" JalloE "
La Tenri Tatta Palakka Whitewater (1667-1696)
After La Maddaremmeng MatinroE ri Bukaka dies, then digantikanlah by kemanakannya named La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka MalampeE Gemme'na Petta To RisompaE. La Tenri Tatta To Unru was the son of Datu Mario Sui Tenri We Riwawo with her husband, who called La Pottobune Whitewater Tanatengnga Lompulle Datu. The mother of Tenri Sui We are We Baji or Dangke We LebaE ri Riwawo with her husband Mario La Tenri Ruwa Whitewater Palakka MatinroE ri Bantaeng. La Tenri Ruwalah who initially accept the Islamic religion from KaraengE ri Gowa are also considered to be the first to accept Islam in South Celebes. Because at that time the Bone reject Islam, then Arumpone La Tenri Ruwa went to Bantaeng and that is where he died so called MatinroE ri Bantaeng. When La Tenri Tatta To Unru just 11 years old, under the leadership of La Tenri Bone Ruwa, Bone attacked and defeated by Gowa. La Pottobune His parents were arrested and imprisoned along with Arumpone La Tenri Ruwa as well as several other Bone royal children by KaraengE ri Gowa in the event, called Beta Pasempe (Defeat in Pasempe). Pasempe is a small village that was chosen by La Tenri Arumpone Ruwa to take the fight and that's where he was defeated. All prisoners of Gowa including parents La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka brought to Gowa.
Arriving in Gowa, the captives were parceled out to Bate SalapangE ri Gowa. La Pottobune, his wife and son We Tenri Sui La Tenri Tatta To Unru taken by KaraengE ri Gowa. Placed in SalassaE (Palace), Gowa and shown a plot of land for cultivation in meeting their daily needs. There also the makes the cottage to settle.
Because La Tenri Tatta To Unru considered still a child, then To Unru always opted by KaraengE ri Gowa when traveling. La Tenri Tatta usually tasked to carry a spear or as-pakkalawing EPU (carrier equipment) required by KaraengE ri Gowa in the journey. Since then La Tenri Tatta known to many people, including members SalapangE Bate ri Gowa. La Tenri Tatta To Unru has the characteristics of good, honest and intelligent. Therefore La Tenri Tatta To Unru taken by Karaeng Patingalloang to be taught about the customs Mangkasar (Gowa).
After Karaeng Patingalloang Tu Mabbicara Butta ri Gowa died, then what is replacing his brother who called Karaeng Karunrung. This is the famous Karunrung Karaeng very cruel to those who became prisoners of Bone Gowa. This is precisely as Tu Mabbicara Butta ri Gowa who asked to Tobala Jennang Bone to Bone sent as many as 10,000 people who will be hired as a ditch digger and castle makers.
This amount can not be reduced, replaced or paid. Although someone who has been appointed one can replace it or be able to pay for it, but by Karaeng Karunrung not justify it.
When people whose numbers Bone 10,000 arrived, immediately hired as a ditch digger and castle makers. 10 people each supervised by a foreman from the Gowa own. They were employed from morning till night and only given a chance break at mealtimes. The food is not borne by Karaeng Karunrung, but must carry their own from the Bone.
The La Tenri Tatta To Unru Daeng Serang, already married with a young nobleman named Gowa I Mangkawani Daeng Talele. At the time of the Bone whose numbers 10,000 works, La Tenri Tatta To Unru merge and work as well as a ditch digger and castle makers. He also felt the suffering of people tortured by the foreman of Bone-foreman of Gowa who supervised the work.
One time, KaraengE ri Gowa will commemorate the birthday, then the deer hunt was held in Tallo. All people are required to follow the hunt. La Tenri Tatta Daeng Serang commonly brought spear KaraengE, happened to be left out. Therefore, parents who are appointed by La Pottobune'lah KaraengE ri Gowa to bring his spear.
Arriving KaraengE ri Gowa on deer hunting locations in Tallo, terpencarlah people either as hunters or as a rider on a horse to explore the forests looking for deer. Incidentally there are two trench workers who fled and hid the forest, because it thinks he is surrounded. Both men were captured by hunters, and confronted with Karaeng Karunrung. Both were tortured, beaten to death.
La Pottobune 'La Tenri Tatta parents are very concerned about witnessed the torture, so it can not hold his feelings. Datu Lompulle unable to contain her emotions and at that time he also raged with the spear he was carrying Karaeng Karunrung. After killing many people Gowa, before he was captured and tortured like a trench worker who escaped earlier. Because La Pottobune 'having knowledge immune to a sharp weapon, then nantilah he died after inclusion in a mortar and pounded with a pestle.
Since the incident, La Tenri Tatta To Unru Daeng Serang can no longer sleep. Every time he always prayed to the Gods SeuwaE for a field given way to re-establish the greatness of the Land of Bone.At one point early in the morning La Tenri Tatta Unru To arrive at a quarry. Then he called his close relatives, such as Belo Whitewater, Whitewater Whitewater Pattojo Ampana and others. All of his close relatives, never leave him. On that occasion, made an agreement to release all persons from torture people Bone Gowa in the quarry. The agreement is very secret, no one can know, including to their wives.At the time of the last deer hunt held in Tallo, plan to release that will be done by La Tenri Tatta Daeng Serang, Belo Whitewater, Whitewater and Whitewater Ampana Pattojo also been quite mature. All his family had been prepared and luggage was packed neatly. That's when La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka ordered all workers moat and castle makers to escape leaving the place. Previously all the foremen of Gowa people killed and seized weapons and other equipment.
Arriving at La Tenri Tatta Bone To Unru straight to Jennang Tobala and Datu Soppeng named La Tenri Bali which is none other than his own uncle. Datu Soppeng La Tenri Bali with Jennang Tobala indeed has made a deal to revive the spirit of the Bone against Gowa. The agreement between Jennang Tobala by Datu Soppeng is then known by the name Pincara LopiE Attapang ri.
To his uncle Datu Soppeng, La Tenri Tatta To Unru requested provision to be used in a way, because he will go far to find friends who can be invited to work together against Gowa. For according to his estimates the trip will take a long time and will swallow a lot of sacrifice. Not long after, there came Gowa with a very large number complete with weapons of war to find his tracks. There was a very fierce battle between La Tenri Tatta To Unru with his troops against the people of Gowa in Lamuru. But because the power was more powerful Gowa, finally La Tenri Tatta To UNU together with his troops retreated towards the north. While those who feel lost track Gowa, move on to Bone. In Bone people Gowa betempur again against Tobala with troops which ended with the deaths of Jennang Tobala PakkanynyarangE Petta.After Tobala Petta PakkanynyarangE killed in the fighting, people continue to Soppeng Gowa to catch Datu Soppeng La Tenri Bali and subsequently taken to the Gowa (Mangkasar). While the occupation of La Tenri Tatta Palakka Whitewater continues.
Whitewater Tobala deaths Tanete PakkanynyarangE Petta, by KaraengE ri Gowa who named I Mallombasi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangape Sultan Hasanuddin feel the need to appoint a new Jennang in Bone. La Sekati Whitewater instituted as a substitute Tobala Amali, while Datu Soppeng La Tenri Bali captive in Gowa and placed in Sanrangeng with Arumpone La Maddaremmeng.
Feeling always hunted by the people Mangkasar (Gowa), La Tenri Tatta To Unru with all his followers increasingly jammed and difficult to live in the Land of Ugi. Therefore, together with Belo Whitewater, Whitewater and Whitewater Ampana Pattojo agreed to cross into the Land Butung Uliyo. This is done with consideration of who knows later on Butung Land Uliyo can get a friend who can be invited to work together against Gowa. Dipersiapkanlah number of boats and at the right moment La Tenri Tatta To Unru with all his followers departed from the coast towards Cempalagi Edge Pallette Butung Uliyo Land.
A few moments after leaving Cempalagi Edge Pallette, Gowapun people come looking for his tracks. But La Tenri Tatta To Unru with their followers have been at the center of the sea toward the land Butung Uliyo. Thus the people of Gowa back soon to submit to KaraengE ri Gowa that La Tenri Tatta To Unru with all his followers are no longer on the mainland Land Ugi. Likely he crossed into the Land Butung Uliyo to ask for protection to the King Butung.Hearing the report, KaraengE ri Gowa ordered Whitewater Gattareng to catch up. Whitewater Gattareng successfully met La Tenri Tatta To Unru in the middle of the sea. After talking for a moment, then turned the boat Gattareng Whitewater and back to the Gowa. While La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka with their followers to continue the journey toward Butung.
Arriving in the Land Uliyo, La Tenri Tatta To Unru Whitewater Palakka well received by King Butung and gave place to rest with his followers. To La Tenri Tatta To Unru, King Butung said,
"Stay a while here, then if the Dutch VOC ship that will travel to Ambon and Ternate stop here, then I arrange a meeting with you. Because I truly alarming if later people who were told by KaraengE Gowa Gowa ri can find your place here. KaraengE ri Gowa was very angry with me, because the Dutch VOC ships always stop by here if it will go toward the Ambon and Ternate. "
At La Tenri Tatta To Unru will leave Butung, he vowed a stopover in the mountains near Cempalagi Pallette. In such vow, La Tenri Tatta To Unru determined not to cut his hair before he and all his followers returned safely to the Land of Ugi. Since then, his hair long and left into digelarlah MalampeE Gemme'na.
KaraengE ri Gowa already know that La Tenri Tatta To Unru Whitewater Palakka with their followers have been in Butung Land Uliyo. Therefore disiapkanlah with large numbers of troops equipped with weapons of war to attack the Land Butung Uliyo. Moreover, the intention to attack Butung indeed been long planned, because Butung always been a haven Dutch VOC ships that will travel to Ambon and Ternate.
Not long after envoys came to KaraengE ri Gowa Butung to find La Tenri Tatta with their followers. But before the messenger rose kedarat, King Butung told La Tenri Tatta To Unru with their followers to hide disebuah large and there was no water wells not far from the palace of King Butung. To La Tenri Tatta To Unru, King Butung said: "I'll swear it later if the messenger ri Gowa KaraengE rose to ask your being, that you with all your followers are not above the Uliyo Land."
Because King Butung statement that La Tenri Tatta with all his followers are not above the Land Uliyo and messenger ri Gowa KaraengE did not see any sign that people are looking for is in place, then the delegates and even then excused himself and returned to the Gowa.
KaraengE ri Gowa apparently not desperate, then drafted a new strategy to increase troops and equipped with persenjatan to attack Butung up to Ternate. Datu Dipanggilah Luwu La Setiaraja together Karaeng Bonto Marannu to lead the troops into the Land Uliyo. According to the plan after Butung defeat, the attacks will continue to Ternate to capture the King of Ternate.News of the plan KaraengE ri Gowa who will attack and Ternate Butung Company has come to the Netherlands in Jakarta. Therefore the Dutch Company to prepare a number of ships and equipment for war against Gowa. To La Tenri Tatta To Unru who is temporarily present in Butung ordered to equip troops with weapons. Similarly to the King Butung to get ready to wait for the arrival of the Dutch VOC.
On orders KaraengE ri Gowa, Datu Luwu together Karaeng Bonto Marannu sailed to Butung bring troops to attack and subsequent Butung Ternate. Meanwhile, news of the departure of the Dutch VOC forces with La Tenri Tatta Butung has until well into the KaraengE ri Gowa. Therefore, KaraengE ri Gowa Arumpone La Maddaremmeng immediately return to the Bone and Datu Soppeng named La Tenri Bali returned to Soppeng. Bone Didudukkanlah as Palili (local subordinates) of Gowa which means Bone has been separated from the colonial Gowa.
The purpose KaraengE ri Gowa restore Arumpone La Maddaremmeng to occupy the back Mangkau 'Bone, Bone for people no longer see Gowa as opposed to being hostile to the Dutch VOC. While La Tenri Bali Soppeng Datu who was stationed at La Maddaremmeng Arumpone Sanrangeng together as a prisoner, returned again to Soppeng. Next Soppeng also mounted as Palili of Gowa, as well as Bone. Since then Soppeng Gowa no longer as a colony but as a subordinate region only.
Dutch VOC ships which includes combat troops led by Cornelis Speelman arrived at Butung. Above the ship is La Tenri Tatta To Unru Whitewater Palakka along with all his followers. Arriving in Butung, La Tenri Tatta To Unru Arungt Palakka MalampeE Gemme'na obtain information that is leading the forces of Gowa was Datu Luwu La Setiaraja and Karaeng Bonto Marannu. Therefore La Tenri Tatta Cornelis Speelman told not to open fire. La Tenri Tatta give an explanation to the Bone by Cornelis Speelman Luwu equally colonized Gowa and never hostile. Similarly Karaeng Bonto Marannu never understand a dispute with him. Both were simply told by KaraengE ri Gowa unuk Bone attack people.
Selanjuitnya La Tenri Tatta invited to Cornelis Speelman to send envoys to meet Datu kedarat Luwu and Karaeng Bonto Marannu.Siapa know there are roads that can be taken and not hostile to each other brothers. Solicitation was approved by Speelman and diutuslah some people rise to meet Datu Luwu and Karaeng Bonto Marannu. Arriving in place Datu Luwu and Karaeng Bonto Marannu, the envoy said that the Whitewater Palakka with Cornelis Speelman expect Datu Luwu with Coral Bonto Marannu down to the boat with a white flag to talk well.
Hear what is delivered by messenger, Datu Luwu La Setiaraja and Karaeng Bonto Marannu agree that more bad than good if we mutually hostile brothers. If we make peace, only our weapons drawn. But if we survive to fight, the weapons and all our troops come to take.
After exchanging opinions between Datu Luwu with Karaeng Bonto Marannu which received approval from the entire army, then went down to meet the Dutch VOC ship La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka and Cornelis Speelman as head of the Dutch VOC troops. From the ship appears to Whitewater Belo, Pattojo Whitewater, Whitewater Whitewater When Ampana and pick up the arrival of Datu Luwu and Karaeng Bonto Marannu along with some followers.
Datu Luwu La Setiaraja and Karaeng Bonto Marannu states joined the Whitewater Palakka, so they asked the Dutch VOC protection. To secure both of KaraengE ri Gowa, taken to an island by Cornelis Speelman. Later after the war finished, then return to his country. While the troops raised to the ship to take home to his village after stripped the entire gun.
Meanwhile, news of the return of La Maddaremmeng to Bone and La Tenri Bali to Soppeng by KaraengE ri Gowa where Bone and Soppeng seated as Palili (subordinate regions), have come to the La Tenri Tatta Palakka Whitewater. Then Whitewater Palakka send envoys to the Bone and Soppeng for Arumpone and Datu Soppeng still take up arms to fight KaraengE ri Gowa Sultan Hasanuddin.
La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Cornelis Speelman Palakka together with complete abandon Butung persenjatan along the coastal areas including power KaraengE ri Gowa. Many coastal areas that had been siding with the Gowa, turned around and declared pro Palakka La Tenri Tatta Whitewater. Meanwhile, by land, Whitewater If, pattojo Whitewater, Whitewater and Whitewater Ampana Belo continues to evoke the spirit of Bone and Soppeng people to fight against Gowa. Some areas in the Land of the West Pabbiring also turned against KaraengE ri Gowa.
Thus the state of Sultan Hasanuddin of Gowa ri KaraengE already besieged. Dutch Company under the command of Cornelis Speelman hit from the sea, while Whitewater Palakka with all its troops hit the ground. All whitewater that had helped Gowa again turned into an opponent, except Wajo still help Gowa.
Because it felt it was very urgent and battles have been many casualties on the part of Sultan Hasanuddin, then on Friday, 21 November 1667 AD KaraengE Mallombasi I Daeng ri Gowa Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangape Sultan Hasanuddin willing to end the war. Willingness was characterized by a treaty called the Treaty Bungaya. Where agreement was signed by Sultan Hasanuddin by Admiral Cornelis Speelman Dutch VOC. While the agreement with Whitewater Palakka Sultan Hasanuddin was the release of Bone and Gowa Soppeng as a colony.After the war ended, then La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka with their followers into the Bone. Arriving at the Bone, was picked up by Arumpone La Maddaremmeng. They both congratulated each other for his victory against Gowa. And he said to his nephew Maddaremmeng La La Tenri Tatta; "I am an old man and getting weaker, although I have been restored by the ri Gowa KaraengE to occupy Mangkau 'at the Bone, but merely as a symbol. Because only be placed as a regional Bone palili which means it must remain devoted to the Gowa. Therefore, I believe that You are the best lap Mangkau 'in Bone. Since it is your inheritance from MatinroE ri Bantaeng. Just because people Bone at first refused to accept Islam, so he left the Bone ".
La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka replied: "I uphold Puatta desire, but I am still of the opinion that the fire was extinguished nantilah new look for his successor, meaning nantilah Arumpone really nothing new has changed".
Therefore La Maddaremmeng still assume Mangkau 'in Bone until she died. However, only a mere symbol, for the conduct of government is the nephew named La Tenri Tatta To Unru Palakka Whitewater.
For the Dutch Company to do with whitewater-rafting in the Land of Ugi to go through La Tenri Tatta Palakka Whitewater. Cornelis Speelman ask the Governor General in Betawe for Whitewater Palakka appointed Arumpone. He was also appointed to head up for the whitewater-rafting in the Land of Ugi, because it digelarlah To RisompaE.
In 1672 AD La Maddaremmeng Arumpone dies, then officially became Arumpone Palakka Whitewater. Diseranglah Wajo in August 1670 AD, because of Whitewater Matowa Wajo named La Tenri Lai not budge when the holding Bungaya Agreement. La Tenri Lai told the Sultan Hasanuddin of Gowa ri KaraengE that the war between KaraengE with Dutch Company has ended, but war with the Whitewater Palakka Wajo unfinished.
Sultan Hasanuddin therefore recommend to the La Tenri Lai to return to Wajo with a thousand followers. Arriving in Wajo, followed later by the Whitewater Palakka with all his followers and fought for four months. Falling victim either of Bone, and Wajo Soppeng. Cancel already TellumpoccoE Agreement, Wajo eventually lose. Tosora burning, breaking already Wajo defense.
In this terrible war, Whitewater Matowa Wajo La Tenri Lai To Sengngeng fall burn, then digelarlah MatinroE Salokona ri. Thus came the envoys held PillaE PatolaE ask for a ceasefire or stop the war to the Bone and Soppeng.
The request was answered by Whitewater Palakka that is only given a chance for three days to take care of the corpse Whitewater MatowaE Wajo ri. After that, people Wajo Agree to lift La Palili To Ashamed To replace La Tenri Lai Sengngeng as Whitewater Matowa Wajo new.
Whitewater Matowa this Wajo declared themselves less with the Bone and Soppeng. On 23 Sepetember 1670 AD La Palili To Shame rose to Ujungpandang to sign the treaty in Fort Rotterdam. Whitewater Palakka MalampeE Gemme'na, ArungE ri Bantaeng, Datu Soppeng, Tanete Whitewater and several other officials who led Whitewater Matowa Wajo La Palili To Shame entrance to Fort Rotterdam. Whitewater Matowa Wajo brsama with PillaE named La Pakkitabaja, PatolaE named La Pangabo, CakkuridiE named La Pedapi, inilh called TelluE Bate ri Wajo Lompo.
After finishing at war with the year 1671 AD Wajo dikawinkanlah sister named Mappolo BombangE We are also appointed in Palakka Maddanreng. We Mappolo BombangE mated with La PakokoE Toangkone Whitewater Whitewater Ugi Timurung who is also the son of La Maddaremmeng MatinroE ri Bukaka with his wife who called We Hadijah I Dasaleng Whitewater Ugi.
Five months after marriage We Mappolo BombangE sister Maddanreng Palakka, in the year 1671 AD Whitewater Palakka MalampeE Gemme'na held the crowd to release the vow when he was about to leave the Land of Ugi. Vow that is,
"If I survived later returned to the Land Ugi re-establish the greatness of Bone and Soppeng, I will make sokko (rice tight) Cempalagi seven kinds of high mountains. Will be put to death a hundred buffalo camara (striped) golden horns, royal children as ransom Gowa-maddara takku - (bleed blue) and head instead Karaeng Mangkasar (high nobility) in Gowa.
It was then that La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka convey to his followers that he was extending his hair long in the overseas and will be cut after the re-establish the greatness of Bone. So after releasing the Cempalagi vow, he also cut his hair, then mangosong (singing),
"Muaseggi belobelo, shampoo weluwa genoaE mattipi nattowa Wewe. Muaseggi culecule weluwa shampoo palippaling ri accinaongi Awana. "
When the show cut his hair, which was attended by all his followers finished, La Tenri Tatta To Unru release vow to cut 400 buffaloes dilereng Cempalagi mountain. One hundred buffaloes camara (black coat with a striped tail and the head section) horned gold (gold is placed on the horns). Three hundred and tail in place of the head of royalty and nobility Mangkasar Gowa.After that, diseranglah across the country who have not declared themselves subject to the Bone. Countries, among others, Mandar, Palilina Land Luwu who still follow the Gowa. Further attacks directed at Pasuruan, East Java, Galingkang and Sangalla. All the country was defeated and the last is Letta.
At 3 - 11-1672 M. We Mappolo Bombang Maddanreng Palakka delivery boy named La Patau Matanna Tikka WalinonoE La Tenri Bali malae Sanrang. This child was born from the marriage premises La PakokoE Toangkone Timurung Whitewater.
The birth of La Patau Matanna Tikka makes La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka Petta To RisompaE very happy. Because according to his mind, there have been crown prince who could continue in the Land akkarungeng Bone. La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka who do not have children, consider that the son of her sister that is the child pattola (crown prince).
After Arumpone La Maddaremmeng died in 1672 AD Agree Bone Hadat member supported by the entire people of Bone and the Dutch VOC Authorities to lift La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Arumpone Palakka be replacing his uncle.
In order to obtain keturumnan La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka We Yadda Datu mating with children from La Tenri Watu Bali Datu ri Soppeng MatinroE Datunna with his wife who called We Bubungeng I Dasajo. However, from her marriage, it still did not obtain offspring.
The sisters named La Tenri Tatta We Kacimpureng who marries To Dani also had no descendants. Perempuaannya older brother named We Tenri Abang, he was given Mario Riwawo. He also is included when La Tenri Tatta go to Jakarta the days of war with Gowa. We Tenri Abang mating with La Mappajanji or usually also called La Sulo Daeng Matasa. From her marriage was born a daughter named Daeng Risanga We Pattekke Tana.
Seeing that there is no longer an enemy that means, then Arumpone La Tenri Tatta To Unru Whitewater Palakka collect all Bocco (Akkarungeng Neighbors) in Baruga TelluE Coppo'na in Cenrana. Was held a feast to be witnessed by a whitewater-rafting has ever conquered, including dignitaries of the Dutch Company. On that occasion, Arumpone La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka convey to all present that he had let go of vows and have laid samaja (offerings) and also has cut his hair. All present at the hearing by either party about what is delivered by Petta To RisompaE.
"Hear, O all men of Bone and also the whole region of Land passeyajingeng Bone, including passeyajingeng MappajungE descent. Tomorrow or the day after came the call of God to me, just my two kemanakan could inherit mine. What I do not give is the treasure which is still owned by my wife I Mangkawani Daeng Talele. Because I was with my wife I Mangkawani Daeng Talele not have offspring.
The kemanakanku named La Patau Matanna Tikka, son of Maddanreng Palakka I give akkarungeng ri Bone. While the one-child kemanakanku Datu Mario Riwawo, I inherited wealth bendaku, except that still exist on my wife I Mangkawani Talele Daeng ".
La Patau Matanna Tikka said: "I have listened to my uncle's message Petta To RisompaE that I expected to replace him later as Mangkau 'in Bone. But I told people that before I replace Puatta as Arumpone, whether an agreement crowds and are willing to pledge with me? "
All members Hadat and the crowd said: "Say to be heard by the crowd."Said again La Patau Matanna Tikka; "I will accept the deal the crowds from what was said by Puatta To RisompaE, if people recognize and acknowledge that;- There will be no longer Mangkau 'in Bone, if not progeny.- Know also that the offspring is MappajungE grandchildren will not be elected and seated by the descendants of Lily. That's what I convey to the people ".
The crowd said: "Angikko Puang kiraukkaju Riyao Miri riyakeng mutappalireng - muwawa ri nyameng fairy" (Sire wind and we all leaf wood - where King blows, that's where we were carried away - taking the difficulty and pleasure).
La Tenri Tatta To RisompaE, is Datu Mario Riwawo, Whitewater in Palakka before assuming Mangkau 'in Bone substitute MatinroE Bukaka ri.
After the agreement Bungaya 18 November 1667 AD he re-establish the greatness of Bone, Gowa release from the colony. Similarly Soppeng, Luwu and Wajo, all released from the colony Gowa. Luwu Datu ri MatinroE Tompo'tikka which controls up to the mountains of Toraja Land Latimojong who helped Bone, has been appointed as regional passeyajingeng (local friend).
Therefore Arumpone La Tenri Tatta held Petta To RisompaE Dutch Company for the support that gave him power as Mangkau 'from all Mangkau' in the Land of Ugi. La Tenri Tatta To Unru then create an umbrella of gold and silver umbrella beside Flag SamparajaE. By the Dutch Company was given a sash of gold and gold necklace as a memento sign Dutch Company for services to establish good cooperation.
As Mangkau 'from all Mangkau' in South Celebes, La Tenri Tatta Petta To RisompaE not feel satisfied if TelluE CAPPA 'Gala of the Kingdom of Big Bone, Gowa and Luwu not united. Therefore, he started with his successor as Arumpone would wed later that La Patau Matanna Tikka WalinonoE with children PajungE Luwu ri ri La Setiaraja MatinroE Tompo'tikka from his wife named Daeng Massiseng We Diyo Opu Petta I Takalara. Children are named Datu Luwu We Ummung Datu Larompong.
We Ummung Datu Larompong subsequently appointed as Maddanreng TellumpoccoE (Bone, Soppeng and Wajo) and all areas friend of Bone in the year 1686 AD To Wajo appointed two people dressed in greatness, so did Soppeng, Ajatappareng, Massenrempulu, Mandar PituE Babanna Minanga three people, Kaili, Butung, Tolitoli each of the three people. While Ajangale 'and Alau Ale' each of the two men.
The treaty La Tenri Tatta Petta To RisompaE by Datu Luwu La Setiaraja MatinroE Tompo'tikka ri, is,
"If La Patau together We Ummung Datu Larompong bear children, then that's his son who will be in Luwu Datu".
Next La Patau Matanna Tikka mated again in the Land Mangkasar with women who called We Mariama (Siti Maryam) Karaeng Patukangang. Children from La Mappadulung Mattimung KaraengE Daeng ri Gowa also called Sultan Abdul Jalil with his wife Karaeng Lakiung. In the event that her marriage, came all the friends of Bone watching.
The agreement Petta To RisompaE with KaraengE ri Gowa, at dikawinkannya La Patau Matanna Tikka with Mariama We are,
"Then later La Patau with Mariama We gave birth to a boy, then that's his son who was appointed in Gowa Karaeng." Therefore, the only child of Luwu We Ummung and children We Mariama from Gowa who can be appointed into Mangkau 'in Bone. While the others, although descended from the high nobility, but he only placed as cera 'ordinary (not entitled to be Mangkau'). Unless the child We Ummung and Mariama We are appointed.
Rules that apply in TellumpoccoE and TelluE CAPPA 'Gala is Tenri pakkarung-cera'E - Tenri attolang rajengE (cera' can not be the Whitewater and Whitewater rajeng can not replace.) Unless all the crown prince has been exhausted and no other choice.
When kemanakan Petta To RisompaE named Daeng Tanisanga We Pattekke Tana Petta MajjappaE Datu TelluE Salassana - digeso '(tradition of the Bugis people brush their teeth with a stone while the child is an adult), diundanglah all Bocco, and whole Lili Passeyajingeng Bone. That's when Petta To give kemanakannya RisompaE Pattiro and property that have ever dipersaksikan to the crowd after cutting his hair.
Next We Pattekke Tana given by her mother Maria Riwawo and its contents, and his father gave Tanete and its contents.
In the event maggeso'nya We Pattekke Tana, attend all Lili Passeyajingeng Bone, like TellumpoccoE, LimaE Ajattappareng, PituE Babanna Minanga, LimaE Massenreng Pulu, TelluE Batupapeng, Butung, Toirate, BukiE, Gowa, Cappa'galaE and high-ranking Dutch Company.
At that time also came the messenger ri PajungE Luwu to melamarkan son named La Onro To Palaguna to Pattekke We Tana. To RisompaE Petta told the envoy Datu Luwu,
"I can accept lamaranmu Ware, O people, but with an agreement We Tekke (Pattekke Tana), you lift a datu in Luwu. Walaupun dia will not have children with her husband (La Onro To Palaguna), especially if he berdua bear children, it must be inherited hereditary throne as Datu Luwu ".
Demand is recognized by Ware, promise Puatta MatinroE Bontoala with MatinroE ri ri Tompo'tikka to lift We Pattekke Tana as Datu Luwu down to his descendants. The agreement was approved by the people who witnessed the TellumpoccoE Ware.
From the marriage with La Tana Pattekke We Onro To Palaguna Batara Tungke Sitti Fatimah was born. Then Sitti Fatimah married to a cousin one time called La hiatus Megga To Sappaile Cenning Luwu ri. Children of Yasiya Opu We Pelai Lemolemo with her husband, who called La Ummareng Opu To Mallinrung.
We Fatimah gave birth to three children, namely We Tenri Leleang, which is the heir of Datu Luwu. The second was La Tenri Oddang or La Oddang Riwu Mattinring Daeng, she was the heir to the Whitewater Tanete. While the third La Tenri Angke Datu WaliE, he was the Datu Mario Riwawo.
Feeling he was getting old, La Tenri Tatta To Unru Petta To RisompaE MalampeE Gemme'na choose to settle in the Land of Makassar. 1696 M. he died at his home in Bontoala, then dinamakanlah MatinroE Bontoala ri. La Tenri Tatta Whitewater Palakka also named Sultan Saaduddin Bonto Biraeng buried alongside the tomb of Sultan Hasanuddin MatinroE Bontoala ri.
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